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Mission Statement
LWMS is women dedicated to serving Jesus by increasing awareness of, interest in, and support of the mission outreach of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).

We are a member of the Rock River Circuit along with 18 other churches in the area.

2024 National Convention - https://61.lwms.org/?

The 61st Annual LWMS Convention will be held June 27-30, 2024 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Click the link above for all the information.

Spring Rally 2024

LWMS Spring Rally—
Our next rally is scheduled for Saturday, April 20 at Trinity Lutheran Church in Watertown. This is a special anniversary rally since Trinity hosted our circuit’s first rally 60 years ago! The schedule for the ½ day rally includes registration and morning refreshments from 8-9 am; a devotion, mission presentation and business meeting from 9 am-12:30 pm, and lunch at 12:30 pm. Pastor Jonathan Bauer from Good News Lutheran Church in Mt. Horeb, WI will lead the presentation on home missions, with the theme, “Day after Day.” Consider attending the rally to learn more about home mission opportunities and challenges! We will need to RSVP a head count to the ladies at Trinity, so please either sign up on the sheet provided in the narthex or call Ann Janke (608) 563-4383

LWMS 60th National Convention was held in LaCrosse, Wisconsin this year, June 22 - 25.
Pastor Janke will be leading the opening devotion on Friday, June 23rd at 8:00 a.m. The convention is livestreamed and by clicking the link above you can tune in. 

LWMS Fall Rally 2023
– St. Paul's Ixonia
Thank you so much to everyone who attended and assissted with our 2023 RRC Fall Rally this past Saturday, October 14th.  All members of the St. Paul's team were amazing hosts and provided a warm welcome despite the chilly fall weather outside.
A very special thank you goes out to Bernard Dale Jr. for sharing his touching and personal testimony along side Missionary John Holtz during their incredible presentation regarding evangelism efforts in Arizona.  May God guide these two men as they continue their work sharing the gospel with members of the Apache tribe and bless them as they assist in raising up new Native Christian leaders, like Bernard, to continue spreading the good news of God's undeserved, but ever abounding love and amazing grace.