Welcome to
St. Matthew's Ev. Lutheran Church (WELS)
St. Matthew's Lutheran offers what you need most -- the message of free and full forgiveness through Jesus Christ. That good news is at the heart of everything that happens here.
If you are interested in Bible classes/study please check out the page listing all of our current classes.
Please join us for worship! We have services on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. (this service will not be held during Advent or Lent), and Sunday mornings at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m.
Summer worship is held Memorial Day - Labor Day. There will be ONE worship service on Sunday, 9:00 a.m. Thursday services will remain the same all summer.
As you look through our website feel free to contact us for more information about anything you find here. We are always glad to answer questions about God, Jesus, faith, salvation, the Bible, and the ministries available for your family. We are happy to help and hope to hear from you soon.
In 2017 we celebrated our 75th anniversary.
Following Jesus for over 75 Years
