Meredith Moeller was born on December 27th in Chicago, IL. She attended Trinity-St. Luke's Lutheran Grade School, Luther Preparatory School, both in Watertown, WI, and graduated from college at Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota. She was assigned to St. Matthew's in 2008 and has taught grades 2, 3, and 4 in her time here. Miss Moeller serves as the Junior Choir director, Senior Choir accompanist, head organist, coordinates the school library program and the Scholastic Book Fair, and coaches forensics. She received her master's degree in Instruction from Martin Luther College in 2022.
In her free time, Miss Moeller enjoys reading, traveling to places she's never been, stopping her cat from trying to take over the world, and binging TV shows on Netflix.
Miss Moeller's favorite bible passage is Exodus 14:14 - "The LORD will fight for you, you need only to be still."