2022-2023 A gallery of various church and school activities. |
Sprouts 2022-2023 All children ages 0-5 are invited to join us for an hour of story time, crafts, and free play, when accompanied by an adult. This is a great opportunity for our soon-to-be new preschoolers to become familiar with St. Matthew’s and meet some of their new friends. Hope to see you there! Click here for more pictures. |
Spring Rally 2019 LWMS |
Anniversary Service Celebration 2017 |
Advent By Candlelight - 2016 |
New Narthex Making our greeting and conversation area new and larger was a great success!! |
Advent By Candlelight 2015 Time spent with other women to refresh our faith and renew our mind during this busy holiday season. |
Narthex Remodel-2015 The remodeling of the narthex is coming along nicely. When it is all finished we will have a larger narthex to gather in and converse with one another, a state-of-the-art sound and recording booth that will be visible to the church proper, and a more convenient space for the altar guild to perform their duties. |
Advent By Candlelight-2014 This event is a wonderful opportunity for the ladies of the congregation to gather and reflect upon the birth of Jesus. We all get so busy during the holidays that we need a time to relax with others and to celebrate the coming of our Lord. We do this through song and scripture...and we always have a very special variety of yummy desserts and coffee to finish the evening off! Thank you to all the ladies (and one gentleman) who worked hard in preparing this event for all of us to enjoy! |